Saturday, June 21, 2008

Comments from Kids

I don't consider myself a real collector, but one priceless collection I like to keep is a list of cute and funny things that my kids say. Here are some of my favorites from the past months;

Madeleine: (On the way home from school on a rather warm day) Can I please take off my jumper? It's collecting too much heat from the sun.

Mom: Beth, please close the door you little monkey.
Beth: OK mom, you big huge rhino.

One morning Beth climbed into my bed for a snuggle. When I asked how she slept she responded with, "Well,  I slept good but there was nothing to dream about so I was bored the whole time."

Mary has taken to using the third person plural. For example, 
To Luke: "Can I hold your gum? 'Cuz Daddies let Marys hold their gums." 

Mary recently developed an aversion to being praised or applauded. If we cheer she frowns, "I don't like that sound." The other day she was climbing into her bed and I said, "Good job!" She groaned, "Don't SAY that! I don't like that sound either." I asked her what I should say when I want to tell her she's done a good job at something. She thought for a moment and replied matter-of-factly, "say 'Boom Boom'." Now whenever she does something praiseworthy I say, "boom boom" and she stoically nods in acknowledgment. 


Kimberly said...

Oh Meredtih,
I got laughing so hard, tears came. I hope you don't mind if I add you as a link so that I can check back often. You are a great writer!

Smarties said...

So funny, Dee. I can totally see Mary nodding stoically. :)

Sara Dee said...

I love it. Intead of saying you should really write that one down, you can now say I've got to blog that one.