Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ode to Grandma Rosie's Visit

(Due to technical difficulty, the photos that accompany this post are currently not available)

Earlier this month, our Grandma Rosie came!
We swam on "noodles", hiked to a waterfall, and went to a baseball game.

She took a tour of our school, met Dad's work friends,
came to our Little Gym class - we wished the fun wouldn't end!

She and mom went to the temple and they talked for hours. 
We walked around the yard and showed her all of our flowers.

Our cousins came for dinner and we got to celebrate,
Grandma's birthday and Emma's. The cupcakes were great.

For Family Night Beth taught a lesson, and then Madeleine did one too. 
After a yummy lunch at Kneaders, Grandma had to buy new shoes.

We had "quiet time", story time, and snuggle time as well.
She stayed up late with mom and dad to discuss the gospel.

We were so thrilled she could come.
It's been more than a year
Since the last time that she and Grandpa were here.

We're lucky to have her. We know that she loves us.
We miss her and can't wait 'til we see her in August!

1 comment:

Smarties said...

Meredith, I get such a kick out of your blog - esp all the awesome things your kids say. I need to do a better job of writing ours down!