Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fourth of July Fun

Here's a little blurb to let you know how we celebrated the birth of our nation: The morning of the 4th, the girls went out to the garden and picked a bowl full of raspberries. We ate them on top of pancakes, along with some blueberries, strawberries, and whipped cream so that our breakfast was red, white, and blue. Then Dad surprised us by taking us to the zoo. It was surprisingly uncrowded and the cloud cover kept it from being unbearably hot so we had a fantastic time. After the zoo it was nap time, and then we headed to the Spangler's. There was a big inflatable water slide, lots of yummy food, root beer floats, and fireworks.  When we got home the girls watched fireworks out their window until well past bed time.  It was a great day. We're lucky to live where we are free and safe and can enjoy such fun times with family.  


Kristin said...

I LOVE YOUR BLOG! 4th of July looked super fun and it seems that was the family consensus :)

Unknown said...

Look at all those cute blondies... I never thought you'd have blonde children :)

Miss you...


Amy said...

so cool!we had fireworks on our 4th too!