Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Expecting the Unexpected

They say the best surprises come in small packages. Our package measures about an inch and 1/2 , is around 9 weeks along, and is due approximately October 15! Yes, we are happily expecting again. This wasn't an opportunity that we thought we would have again given some health challenges that I've had the past few years, but I have been doing very well lately and it appears that the powers that be considered it well enough to bless us with another baby. We are all excited for this new dimension of our family life.
Mary talks to my tummy daily giving play-by-play accounts to the baby, "You're in the swimming pool baby. You're soaking wet." "Mom is eating baby. Here comes your food!" "You have the seat belt over you baby. You're safe in there." She consistently refers to the baby as "he." When Luke stopped her and asked, "Are you sure it's a 'he,' or could it be a girl?" she replied, "Oh no dad. I am DEFINITELY sure it's a boy...maybe." Beth and Madeleine like to follow along with the week-by-week development. At week 9 we read, 'This week your baby is the size of a grape," and Beth noted, "Don't grapes come in all different sizes??" She would like to name the baby something that starts with a B so she won't be the only one without an M name anymore, and favors "Bonnie" if it's a girl. Madeleine is admittedly apprehensive about having more little people around here ("Two little sisters can be hard enough!") but she is a good sport, a great helper, and already in love with the baby.
Meanwhile, I can track a scent like a bloodhound, gag on my favorite foods, and feel like I could sleep 12 hours a day at least if only the day would let me. Nothing but perfectly normal bizarre behaviors for this stage of the game, and Luke is taking very good care of me. On my better days I enjoy complimenting myself on such achievements as managing to get to the bank AND the grocery store in the same day. On my bad days I am grateful to have a good reason for a bad day.
I marvel at the wisdom with which Heavenly Father guides our lives. So often I am certain that I know what I need, believing that I am in charge around here, and He patiently albeit sometimes painfully reminds me that He knows a little bit more about the grand scheme of things than I do. I trust Him, and I thank Him for having blessed me with the things I need and want the most, just when I least expected it.


Sara Dee said...

I fully expected to click on your blog and see NOTHING. But instead there it ALL was. Wow! You really are all or nothing! I'm truly so excited for you and your kids, and so bummed I don't live close to you right now. I miss our park visit. Good luck. This is one lucky baby to come to such a loving family.

Sara Dee said...

I'm excited for Luke too. Not sure why I left him out. He is probably use to it in a house full of girls, but maybe not anymore...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! So excited to "read" your good news. I'll be thinking positive, happy thoughts all the way to the arrival! And I'll be thinking "blue" thoughts too. Maybe Mary is dead on right about the boy thing.

brees said...

That is so awesome, Congratulations! I truly agree with everything you said, Heavenly Father blessed us with our little surprise after 6 years, amazing!! I hope you get feeling well soon!

wylie said...

That is such wonderful news Meredith!! We are all excited for you at our house and we are praying for your health daily.

Aimee said...

Wow! Congratulations!! Amy told me last night at RS and I am so excited for you! You are right... Heavenly Father is in charge. Hang in there!

Catherine said...

May I suggest Brooke or Bridget to Beth. Can't wait to find out if it is a girl or boy. But I seriously cannot picture you having a boy. Seriously. I am not Kidding.

Jenny said...

Yay! I am so happy for you and your family. I hope there is some baseball in your future!

Denise said...

Yay! We can't wait to meet the next little Sorenson. Can I go get you a Primo Hoagie?

Patti said...

I was so excited to hear your news! I hope you'll be feeling better very soon.