Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

Our Valentine's celebration had three lovely phases this year. On Friday morning the girls giddily pranced to school loaded with Valentine cards and treats to share, and came home laden with more cards and treats than they knew what to do with. I love to see them excited about holidays and traditions!
On Saturday, flowers arrived at the door and mom and dad went out for a gourmet Italian dinner followed by visiting with friends at the church dance (which is more of a social for non-dancers like us:). I love being with Luke no matter what we are doing, and I love that we're in love.
On actual Valentine's Day we had our first ever family dinner in the dining room and even took some of the formal china out of the original wedding-gift packaging for the occasion. The girls each received a kit for growing an amaryllis with a heart shaped card that said, "We love watching you grow," from mom and dad. I love being home together as a family. Pot-luck dessert with cousins followed at the Spangler's house that evening and according to one little person, the basement was "exploding with kids." I love that we have cousins so close by and so much family to share fun times with.
Monday was President's Day (and no longer officially part of our Valentine's celebration, but still lovely all the same) and there was no school, so we spent the day at home relaxing, decorated our flower pots and planted our amaryllis bulbs, and ended the day with a "pizza-picnic" in the family room while watching "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs." The kids liked it, although Beth was put out that it deviated from the book:) I love having a day off now and then to spend however we want.
Sure, I totally blew my diet and the house is a mess and I'm still picking up candy wrappers, but after a weekend full of doing things I love with the people I love, how can I not love Valentine's Day?

PS. I love this picture


Sarah said...

Sounds like such a great Valentines. That really is an adorable picture.

Amy said...

Cute photos, Meredith!

Catherine said...

I am learning a song on the piano, titled "Amaryllis"!

Jenny said...

Amazing picture! I bet Luke has fun with all of those daughters on VAlentines DAy. That is so special! I noticed from your pictures that I have the same living room furniture:).

Unknown said...

What a great post. I'm so glad you are still in love... I KNEW IT all along! Just had to add that :)

Great pics too! Miss you. Coming to Idaho anytime soon, eh???