Monday, February 1, 2010

One Day

One day I lay looking out at the sleeting gray sky listening to you coughing from the other room.
What will we do on a day like today, with no sunshine, no friends, no going out to play?
If only we could get away, somewhere warm with lots of sun, where you could run.
We could leave today.

One day to get there, one day to play, one day to come home.
Is it really it worth it for just one day? Yes, it is.
On the plane, on the way, with you beside me. Coloring, singing, holding hands, playing games, watching movies. This is actually fun, to have you here by me on the plane today.

Here we are. Lots of colored lights, the ocean rolling to the shore, all of us together in our room.
And now it's morning, a brand new day. A day with no hurrying and no homework. A day with no rushing and no time table. A day with no coughing and no crying. A day to feel the sand, smell the ocean, hear you squeal, and see you smile. Just you and me and the sun and the sand and the pool, all day.

One more frolic in the ocean, one more splash in the pool, then hop in the shower. We're going home today. Back on the plane you sleep on my shoulder. I hold hands with your dad. I watch you play your games and you sing so loud the people near us smile. Home so soon, but it seems a little easier now. And in my heart I hold your smile, and the warmth, and the fun to look back on fondly one day.

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wylie said...

What a wonderful, wonderful idea!! Talia saw Mary's picture (with her sisters) in the swimming pool and said, "I want to go see Mary in the swimming pool!"

Jenny said...

What a great idea! I would give anything for one day right now:).

Catherine said...

How wonderful to feel warm outside!!!