Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tour of the Temple

The Oquirhh Mountain Temple was recently built near our home and our family attended the open house together. We enjoyed it more than this picture indicates! (That's what you get for handing your camera to a complete stranger.) It is a beautiful temple and I was so happy we could take our children to see the inside. The artwork particulalry caught my attention, and I thought the interior of the temple in general was breathtaking. I thought I might get a little choked up walking my girls through the bride room, but instead it was the sealing room that got to me. We sat there together, facing the altar and the mirror beyond it and I leaned over and said, "Daddy and I were married in a room like this one. We knealt at an altar just like that one there, and you were watching us from heaven and cheering, "Yeah! That's my mom and dad!" Then I got all choked up because I felt the truthfulness of that in my heart. Our family was meant to be together. Our children rejoiced for the opportunity to be born to parents who were married in the temple and to have their turn on earth as part of an eternal family. I rejoice to have them, and to know we will be together forever.
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1 comment:

Patti said...

That was really sweet, even with the less-than-perfect photo to go with it.