Monday, July 20, 2009

Did You Know?

Did you know those hard shells that protect a snails' soft body really aren't that hard, and if you happen to kneel on a snail while weeding your flower bed and wearing shorts, the shell will smash and green oozy slime will smear all over your leg? I didn't... but I do now.

I'm just glad the neighbors weren't out to hear me screaming.


Sarah said...

Was that you screaming! Just kidding, I'm in full force "attack mode" with the snails in our yard. They ate one entire new plant, and I finally decided I had to bait my whole yard! I've found at least 40 dead snails. Gross! I have no sympathy for these creatures.

Catherine said...

Yuck and double yuck.I almost threw-up. Hey that kind of rhymes

wylie said...

Oh Meredith that made me chuckle!