Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Break:The Recovery

I know, Spring Break was officially over when the kids went back to school, but somehow life didn't seem quite back to normal. My sister flew in on Monday evening, which happened to be her birthday, and stayed for the week. Here's a hint; if you're going to get really sick right when you come home from a big trip, do it when your sister is coming into town. She took good care of me, as well as the rest of my family, and we had a great time. We talked, shopped, cooked, watched movies, traded computer tips, and folded laundry. I know, hardly exhilarating entertainment for a swinging single lady, but she was a good sport about all of it. Having her close for a while made it harder that she lives so far away. 

My brothers and their families joined us at the end of the week and the house was full of siblings and cousins, all happy to see Aunt Lynn. We had a group birthday cake for the four March birthday-ees in attendance. The weather was nice enough to spend some outside time at the park and exploring the creek. Then before I knew it everyone packed up and headed home to their various abodes. 

After traveling, Dr.'s visits, unpacking, company, and two school presentations, a new week started and life resumed it's normal pattern of turning in circles. I think we're finally home from vacation. 

1 comment:

Mindi said...

I was so sorry to hear about your post-vacation blahs. Glad you're feeling better. I love, love the picture.