Thursday, April 9, 2009

On the dark side

Those of you who know me at all know that I am anything but adventurous when it comes to my hair. Sure, I went through a frizzy perm phase in the early 90's (who didn't?) and there was that one uncharacteristic episode in college where my roomate and I stayed up late and dyed our hair with Kool-Aid, but everyone knows that washes out. Beyond that, the variation in my hairstyles for the past 30-something years has ranged from medium to long, blunt or layers, and brown or . . . brown. 
At the end of the summer I decided my flat-toned hair was screaming "I went to the swimming pool everyday!" and needed a little help. I talked myself into adding a few subtle highlights to put some depth back into it, but even as I sat in the salon chair I thought to myself, "I am going to regret this. If not now, then later." That "later" is now.  
The highlights have long since been colored over to match my natural color, but just as flower petals fade with the waning light of winter so does artificial hair color, and those pesky highlights were re-emerging. In an attempt to suppress them again, I found myself back in the same salon chair and thinking, "I'm going to regret this," as the stylist said, "I'm pretty sure this is the color we used last time. I forgot to write it down."  No. It was most definitely and inarguably NOT the same color we used last time.
My daughter's comment at first sight was "Mom, why is your hair black?" You may call it raven, molasses, deep mahogany, or any other sugar coated version of a tactful adjective but regardless of how you label it, it is d-a-r-k dark. Much too much so for a hair-color chicken like myself. Sigh. Moan. Wipe a tear. Wash it for the fourth time in 2 days. Sigh again.
I think I'm stuck with this for a while so consider yourself warned. Don't be startled when you see me (although I wouldn't blame you -everyone else has been so far), and be assured that any resemblance to Elvira, Morticia Adams, or any given member of the Osbourne family was completely unintentional and wholly unwelcome.  So please, for the time-being, comment on my blog, comment on the weather, just don't comment on my hair, OK? The mirror is reminder enough. Give me a week or so. Hopefully by then my attitude, as well as my hair, will have lightened up bit. 


amy smart said...
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Meredith said...

Just so you know, the comment below was deleted because the person who made it did so accidentally and asked me to remove it, not because I was mad about anything they said :)

Paul Smart said...

Just think of it this way--the darker color will attract more sun, so you'll tan faster than everyone else as summer sets in.

Michael said...

What, no photo? Come on, the anticipation is killing us. Hey, you never did anything like this when you were 15, so chalk it up to experimentation and finding yourself.

brees said...

I was reading waiting for a photo at the end too!! I am sure it looks great, you have always had beautiful hair!

LaTour said...

Oh Meredith- I feel your pain! Although I really do mess with my hair a lot- I have gone dark- and then I wouldn't leave the house because everyone would tell me how awful it was. It was so hard. I haven't seen you- but you are so gorgeous I bet your hair looks good any color!

Mindi said...


No wonder you laughed when I said how much I loved your hair yesterday. I really do love it. The cut, the color. You are one of those beauties with the lucious locks that I always hoped I'd be at our age. I gave up, but you are rocking it! Head up girl.
