Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Wish List

For Family Home Evening on Monday night we had a Christmas lesson and then we lit a fire in the fireplace, turned on the Christmas music, and put out our Christmas decorations, but I forgot to have the girls write their letters to Santa. I like to do that right after Thanksgiving so Santa's elves have more time to work away in their magic workshop. I had a few hours set aside today so I could write the letters for the girls and mail them, just to help Santa get going on his work, but I had no wish list. So, I brought it up in conversation this morning. Here's what I got:

Madeleine: I know what I want but I don't want to ask for it because I think it's expensive. 
(Beth interjects) "Santa's going to MAKE it so it won't cost anything."
Madeleine: I know, but I don't want to ask for anything that's too much, so I'll have to think of something else but I don't know what. Maybe a stuffed rhinoceros since I don't have one of those.

Fortunately, I once overheard Madeleine confessing her secret desire for a rock-polisher and I will be sure and notify the elves if she does not come forward in the immediate future. (Catherine and Emma, if you're reading this please don't tell Madeleine that I am going to tell Santa that's what she wants so that he can surprise her, OK?) Moving on to Beth:

Beth: I think I want a teddy bear.
Mom: Really? You have lots of teddy bears. Is this a special kind of teddy bear?
Beth: Well, not really special, but I see it in my mind and I really like it.
Mom: Oh. Uh, what does it look like in your mind?
Beth: Well, it's kind of a lightish dark brown and it's not too big or too small or too medium.
Mom: Hmm, do you have anything already that is the same color and about the same size?
Beth: Yes, it's like my Build-A-Bear bear color, except it's different, and it's about an inch from the size of that bear, but I don't know if it's bigger or smaller.
Mom: Oh. That sounds like a really nice bear. (Mom begins mentally plotting subtle propaganda strategies to persuade Beth to choose a less "visualized" and more widely marketed Christmas present. Those elves may be magic, but they're no mind readers.)

And then of course there's Mary. I asked for her input just as I was about to leave to run my errands.

Mom: Mary, what do want Santa to bring you for Christmas?
Mary: A changing room
Mom: A what???
Mary: A changing room.
Mom: Um, what do you mean, a changing room? Can you tell me what it is?
Mary: ( with tone and expression slightly implying a "DUHH!") It's a room with two doors and it has clothes inside and you go in the doors and put the clothes on. 
Mom: Oh. That does sound like fun, but is there anything else you'd like for Christmas (pleeeaasse?!)
Mary: (matter-of-factly) You only get one present mom.
Mom:  Well, I know, but I don't think Santa can bring a room. I think he only brings toys. So, is there something else you can think of you would like him to bring you?
Mary: Yes
Mom: Really?? What?
Mary: A lipstick room.
Mom (sighing with resignation): Oh. Well, anyway, what do you think Grandpa Dave would like for his birthday?
Mary: A chicken. 

 I think the changing room fascination stems from something in an episode of Dora the Explorer when she changes into a fairy Princess.  If anyone out there is up on their Dora trivia and could elaborate, the elves would appreciate some further detail so as to better prepare them to work out a compromise.

I think Santa has his work cut out for him with this crew this year. I'm looking forward to seeing what he comes up with to make these little girl dreams come true. I wish him the best of luck.


Sarah said...

Cutest Christmas background I've seen! I need to take blogging lessons from you one of these days.

wylie said...

I was laughing so much while reading this entry that I had to read it out loud to Casey. Then we were both laughing so hard. Good luck Santa's elf--you TRULY have your work cut out for you.

Jenny said...

I wish Santa luck as well! That reminds me of the year that Douglas was 4 and the ONLY thing he wanted was camoflauge underwear. I hear that those elves figured out a way to turn an XLarge shirt from the Army store into 3 pair of homemade undies! I always wondered what little girls asked for.

Unknown said...

Your girls are just too cute. Try a Vermont Teddy Bear for Beth. They are just adorable. Gotta put a plug in for my state :)!

Miss you so much!!


LaTour said...

Meredith- this is such a cute story. Your kids are so adorable and sweet. You have done such an amazing job!