Sunday, December 21, 2008

12 Chances to Regain Sanity

'Twas two weeks before Christmas and mother was busy,
Christmas shopping and cards had her all in a tizzy.

Despite planning and simplifying and cutting things back,
Her list seemed to grow longer with each day that passed.

Bogged down with the parties, events, and gift-wrap,
What she wanted most was a long winter's nap!

She was tired and grouchy from sunrise to nightfall;
And she felt she was missing the point of it all.

Where was the feeling, the joy and the bliss,
The bubbly excitement unique to Christmas?

"Something needs to be done," she decided, "right now!"
"We should start a 12 Days of Christmas countdown.

We'll give small gifts of kindness to each family member,
And my gift to them all will be keeping my temper. 

I'll try hard to be sweeter, more gentle, and calm,
Instead of a frazzled, mean, stressed-out mom.

I'll thank Him for the blessings He sends from above,
by showing my family more patience and love.

Then my preparations won't feel like a chore
but be a lifting reminder of the birth of our Lord. 

With love in my heart and His spirit within, 
Christmas will bring me nearer to Him. 

It's been 8 days since I wrote that, and since we started doing 12 Days of Christmas just among our family members. I assigned each day to one person in our family, and we all do or say something extra special for that person that day. It doesn't cost anything and it doesn't take any time, but it is helping. I really think it is, at least for me. Besides, only four days to go, and then I will be taking that nap!


Smart said...

Wow! I love it! You wrote that? That should be published!!

Gramma Rosie said...

I meant to tell you how impressed I was with your Christmas poem. How creative you are! Made me think of Elder Uchtdorf's advice to us women that being creative can bring us much happiness. Your creativity brings ME happiness! Your Mum