Sunday, August 30, 2009

Way to Go Idaho!

Prior to August 17, 2009, I had never been to Idaho. Boy, have I been been missing out! (This is where you say "I told you so" if you are Wiley, Sarah, or Heather:). We spent nearly a week in eastern Idaho with varying combinations of extended family members, and it became my new favorite place. 6 days of boating, bear feeding, site seeing, and family-ness wasn't quite enough and therefore I have every intention of going back. Often. I took so many pictures during the trip I'll have to post them in separate slide shows, but here are a few favorites:

Madeleine on water skis - it was her first time up and she didn't want to stop!
"Twin" counsins - they wore these PJ's nearly everyday so they could match each other.
Super hero kids - The water was cold so when we were on the lake the kids wore wet suits. We called them "The Incredible Kids."
Pretty water - I spent a lot of time just looking at the lake, especially at sunset.
Yellowstone - this was a first time trip for the girls and me so we had to see Old Faithful. We waited and waited, and then when it erupted we happened to be down wind and it rained all over us! Everyone was screaming and running and trying to cover up their cameras and laughing all at the same time.

We really had a lot of fun. I thought we might run out of things to do, but instead we ran out of time to do them. That's ok - we'll just keep a to-do list ready for next year.


Sara Dee said...

I'm so happy you had a great time. Yes! I do hope you come often. BTW I have to correct you just so you have your Idaho lingo correct, it's Eastern Idaho. Southern Idaho is way to broad of a term. Next you will have to go to the Pan Handle (Northern Idaho). Miss you and your great family.

wylie said...

What an absolutely, heavenly family trip! When I saw your picture of the lake in Island Park I wanted to be sitting there enjoying it at sunset or sunrise, so peaceful!

Patti said...

Hey, I wanna go! Maybe Wylie won't notice if I sneek into her trunk this weekend???
Island Park is where I learned to water ski at age 9! So cool.

LaTour said...

How fun! It sounds like you have had a great summer! Your girls are so cute and I am impressed with the water skiing!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you like Idaho now... perhaps you will visit me when/if we ever get our family out there :)

amy smart said...

Great pictures, Meredith! I love the "Incredible Kids." :) I'm so glad you had such a great trip. I still need to get Michael to Yellowstone one day. I've been saying that since we got married. lol.