Sunday, August 23, 2009

Class Lists

Are your kids ready for school? That seems to be the chit-chat question of choice lately, and the honest answer is that I think they probably are. Our fun packed summer has fulfilled our wish for lots of play time, lots of family time, and lots of swimming. Now as summer winds down and the school year momentum picks up I think they are ready to see more of their friends and just a little less of each other. Even loving sisters need some elbow room, if you know what I mean.
Last night we pulled in the driveway after 9, and it was nearly 10 before I remembered that there was a little something waiting in the mailbox for us. Despite the hour, we scurried out in the dark to retrieve the long-awaited Class Lists. Before anyone opened theirs I paused and deliberately stated, "Now remember, it doesn't matter which teacher you have or who is in your class because it will all work out when you get to school. You don't know how things will turn out until you get there, so if you don't have who you expected don't be worried." Then they tore into their envelopes like they were Christmas presents. Madeleine gleefully announced she had the teacher she wanted and that her favorite friend was in her class. Beth shouted at the mention of each name that she recognized on her list. Mary looked around as though she knew she ought to be excited but she wasn't really sure why. All three of them were smiling and at ease.
When the commotion died down I collected all the lists and accompanying letters and leafed through them. Mary spent last year as one of a trio, and now that trio is down to a couple, and her favorite girl friend is not in her class (worry). Beth does have several kids in her class that she knows from last year, but her favorite playmate isn't one of them (Worry). Madeleine's favorite girl friend is in her class. So are three other girls that she had a really hard time with the year before (WORRY). Class orientations for three different kids on three different dates at three different times need to get put on our calendar. There are requests for photos from summer, grab bags full of items that "characterize you," and letter from mom and dad telling how wonderful you are that need to be met. Uniforms need to be ironed and we've still got to get to the dentist.
Yeah, I think my kids really are ready for school. The real question is, am I???


Catherine said...

I am ready for school to. The question for me is 'are you ready for a new school' :)

wylie said...

Ahhh school. I sent Cooper back to school today; I didn't totally break down and cry--just a few misty eyes that he didn't see. I was hoping you would post your schedule for dropping them all off and picking them up and where you'll be waiting with one of the girls while the other sister finishes things up. I am always amazed how well you do getting them where they need to be and how early you get going.

Jenny said...

I'm with you. It is so much work for us too! I hope the girls all have a great year!

Aimee said...
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Aimee said...

Okay, Meredith, funny story... when I tried to get on your blog today, the Net Nanny on our computer blocked it for "intimate apparel." (Huh??) I had a good laugh.