Sunday, February 22, 2009

This One Is For Grandma

Still Catching up from Christmas, here is a clip from Madeleine's concert. She is standing at the foot of the blue bed, wearing a bright red skirt.

Beth has been working really hard with the jump rope Grandma Rosie sent for Christmas. She is already way better than she was in this video, and proud of it! She made up the little skipping rhyme in this one. (This post was her idea. She asked me to take a video and send it to Grandma)

I snuck up behind Mary with the camera while she was putting on a recital of her original composition . . .

The girls have started a tradition of putting on dresses and dancing every Sunday morning. In this performance, they are wearing the dresses we brought home from Hawaii. 


Lynnie said...

Excellent ensoulment Mr. Snotgrass. I love that dancing must be silent! The marching kisses are an extra special touch.

Catherine said...

the top comment- Madeliene should
get a email address!

Indy said...

Very nice. Funny, our boys dance, but it's Fri night and they wear nothing. John

Smarties said...

These videos are adorable. The last one reminds me of angels. So precious. One of those videos that will make us cry when we get old. :)