Friday, November 14, 2008


Lately comments about Uncles keep popping up in the bits of conversation around here. For example;

Beth: When will we ever see Uncle Paul again? Maybe we can go on vacation somewhere and he can be there. (I think she is remembering last Thanksgiving when we met him in California)

Madeleine: There are phones where you can see the people the you are talking to. Deaf people use them so they can sign to each other over the phone. Uncle John has one because he is deaf.
Beth: Uncle John is deaf??
Madeleine: Not mom's brother Uncle John. Grandma's brother Uncle John. Mom's brother John isn't deaf, but Uncle Michael is color blind.
Beth: Color blind?
Madeleine: He doesn't see color right. When he looks at colors they look different than how you and I see them. Like when your eyes see blue, his eyes see purple.
Mary: My blue eyes can see Spencer.

Beth: Oh darn it! I forgot to ask Uncle Seth about the problem I'm having with my tooth. 

Madeleine: Don't worry Beth. If mom can't come to your Thanksgiving Feast maybe Uncle Jake can come, like he came to Science with me last year.

 They still brag about how Uncle Josh let them to drive a bulldozer, and how they can play soccer because their Uncle Chad taught them. They try to keep tabs on their Uncle Eric's dating life and they always hope he will be at Grandma's house when we go there. To all you Uncles out there, I hope you know whether you are down the street or across the country, you are in the hearts and thoughts of three little girls. What lucky girls to have so many great men in their lives!


Smart said...

It takes a lot of energy being an aunt or an uncle. I'm glad Paul can play enough games for the both of us! Miss you!

duff said...

Hi Meredith--what a cute post! I remember how important Aunts & Uncles have been in my life. I know your girls are loved because Krissie & Jake are always talking about them. ....duff

Jakob said...

Thanksgiving Feast!!!! when and where. i will never pass up a good feast.