Monday, October 6, 2008

A Smart Mother

When a child in bed with a stomach ache promises, "I don't need a bowl. I'm not going to throw up," a smart mother would not believe them and go get the bowl anyway.

When a birthday party invitation arrives, a smart mother would write down all the information in her planner and post the invitation in a prominent place as a reminder, instead of misplacing the invitation and then wondering, "Was someone supposed to be somewhere today?" on the day of the party. 

When her husband is out of town and her children are asleep by 8:00, a smart mother would go to bed herself and not stay up until midnight blogging.

When she hears herself say, "I don't know if this is a good show for you to watch. I don't like the way they talk," a smart mother would go change the channel despite her children's cajoling protests.

When thinking back over the things she wishes she'd done differently, a smart mother will learn from her mistakes, laugh at herself, and above all, just be grateful that she is a mother. 


Amy said...

Well said!

Lynnie said...

love it

Denise said...

It's a good thing that you are a smart mother and can learn from her mistakes. I've never known a perfect mother, but you Meredith, you ARE a smart mother.

Meredith said...

now this is wisom.