Monday, January 13, 2014

The Man Who Saved Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas for our family crew,
and we were all on the couch, sick with the flu.
Our fevers were raging and we were coughing real bad. 
The only ones still standing were Madeleine and Dad. 

Mom tried to make dinner like she'd planned in her head,
But Dad intervened and sent her to bed.
He called for Madeleine and they went to the store. 
They got everyone's favorite foods and a little bit more.

They laid out a picnic and turned a great movie on.
The kids started smiling and so did their mom.
After the show we gave gifts to each other.
We sang Christmas carols one after another.

We read of the star and how angels sang,
Of the wise men that traveled, and the shepherds that came.
We read of the Savior and how through His birth
Came salvation and joy to all people on earth. 

We may have been sick and been feeling real bad,
But Christmas was saved, thanks to our Dad. 
He came our rescue, he made everything right.
Christmas was merry for all and we all had a good night. 

It's a true story. The kids and I were too sick to do anything but move from the couch to our beds and back again on Christmas Eve, but Luke and Madeleine took care of everything and we had a nice cozy evening at home together. It's the only Christmas morning that I insisted on taking everyone's temperatures before we went downstairs but, aside from the fevers, the morning went off without a hitch. After we all "Advilled up" we pulled ourselves together enough to enjoy the afternoon with Luke's family.
Opening their gifts to each other
 Christmas Eve pajamas
 Reading with Dad
 Christmas morning before...
 and after
 Mary made sure Santa got his cookies, and it looks like he enjoyed them!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and wish you a happy, healthy New Year.

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