Monday, December 19, 2011

Memory Lane

We were driving a long distance home from a Christmas party and saw an impressive display of Christmas lights. When I pointed them out to the kids Mary replied, "I can't look now because I'll mess up on my game." The girls had their heads down playing games on my phone and the following conversation ensued:
Beth: "Mom, did they have Pac-Man when you were little?"
Mom: "Sure. I remember when Pac-Man first came out. Dad and I were little when video games were invented."
Beth: " You WERE?"
Luke: "Yeah, and we had to play them on the TV."
Mom: (Playing up the drama) And when we watched TV, there was NO REMOTE. If you wanted to change the channel or turn up the volume, you had to get up, walk over, and do. it. yourself."
Girls: "Ugggghhhhh!"
Luke: "You know, when we were your age personal computers were a new thing. People were just starting to get them."
Girls: "Really??"
Mom: "And NO ONE had cell phones."
Mary: "WHAT?!?!?"
Mom: "We were born before the internet was invented."
Luke: "Way before!"
Girls: "WHOA!!!"
(Momentary pause while they processed what absolute relics their parents are)
Beth: "You must've played outside a lot more than we do."
Mom: "Very true Beth. Very true..."

1 comment:

Patti said...

Play outside? What does THAT mean? Yep, I remember those "good old days."