Monday, August 15, 2011

Lose and Win

Today is one of those days when I am sitting here buried under the proverbial mountain of things to be done and feeling like a total loser because I haven't managed to do them (and seeing as how I'm still sitting here that situation isn't likely to change soon). I'm wondering why my house is a mess when I'm pretty sure I've already cleaned it abut 4,235 times and how come my children can't seem to remember to brush their teeth or clear their plates even though I've told them to at least as many times as I've cleaned the house. Then there's my dear old blog that has been sitting deserted for the past ten months, while all the photos snapped during that same time period are still on the camera, and the camera is - somewhere around here. Never mind the stack of other hobbies and home improvement projects lurking in the corners. What happened to that woman who used to willingly put her best foot forward, devise and execute a plan for the day, and accomplish something?

Oh wait. She had a baby. Yup. An absolutely adorable, heart-stoppingly cute, charm-your-socks-off-with-sweetness, realign the center of my universe, baby boy. He stole our hearts last October and nothing has been the same day or night since. (I will gladly show you lots of pictures of him, as soon as I find my camera, remember to charge the battery, get around to downloading them to computer, and eventually upload them to the blog) Add that to the three energetic, creative, expressive, clever, growing girls home all day and it adds up to a semi-supressed whirlwind that we happily call "this time of life." I wouldn't trade it, not for a clean house or a finished project or a quiet moment. Ok, maybe for a quiet moment, but not very many because I don't want to miss out.

It occurred to me this morning that while four children keep me reaching with both hands and both feet in opposite directions at the same time I have never wished for fewer children, only for more hands. It is true that I lose my keys, my patience, and the better part of my mind on daily basis, but with one look of their bright eyes my children completely win me over.


wylie said...

Lucky me . . . I just got on the computer to check email, FB and blogs and you'd posted! Meredith, this post is quote-worthy! Thank you for your perspectives, insights and right-where-it-should-be focus on motherhood. I love being inspired, thanks.

Jenny said...

I have missed the cyber you! What a blessing it is to be a stay at home mom! Thanks for the reminder on what is most important. I find myself overwhelmed as well and want things to be perfectly in order but I would like to say "Amen" to the joy of children and the need to let other things go:).

Terry said...

I too have missed your blog, (especially the cute quotes from your girls) but knew you had your hands full. What a fun time of life for you! Enjoy them while they are young because they grow up too too fast! We will patiently wait for any blogging you find time to do. :)

Denise said...

As it should be...