Monday, January 4, 2010

Blogger's Block

Something is wrong with me. Not seriously wrong, but odd for sure. For weeks now I have been walking around with ideas in my head of things I want to write about, photos I want to post, things I want to say. And yet as I sit at my computer and the screen goes on my mind goes blank and all the happy things I have to share are left unsaid another day. There's no true reason for it, other than that somehow the times when I have things to say, and the windows of time I have in which to say them don't seem to be corresponding. I will change this. I miss my blog, and the longer I put it off the more I'll miss what I didn't say because days are passing and the kids are growing and I'm starting to forget... Tonight won't be the night I bring my blog back to life, but I'll be back - soon.


wylie said...

Oh good! I'm glad you are still thinking of blogging, I've really missed reading what is going on at your house.

Denise said...

excellent... I've missed you

Lynnie said...

love the new background. It's very you! And you should probably start with how awesome your sister is. I'm sure everyone would want to read about that. Oh wait, that's what I'M BLOGGING about. :)

Jenny said...

You did give your blog a new facelift! That is something right there. Looking forward to more reading!