Monday, August 18, 2008

Beautiful Birds by Madeleine

One of my goals this summer was to go to the Tracy Aviary. Today, I went with my mom, my sisters, and my Grandpa's wife, Nina. We got to feed birds, watch ducks, take pictures by a pelican, find lots of feathers, and go to a bird show. At the bird show we saw a golden eagle, a hawk, a crow, a macaw, and a cuckaboro. The golden eagle was my favorite. She got shot and couldn't fly so that's why she lives at the aviary.
Then we went and had a picnic at the park. We saw lots of ducks, and rolled down hills. Then we went to the 7 Canyons Fountain and played and waded in the fountains. It was a fun day. I can't wait until I'm 12 and I can have a bird.

(more photos from the aviary and Maine are on the slide show)


Amy said...

I've Been To Tracy Aviary Too,Madeline!How Fun To That Someone Has Been To A Place That I've Been To On A Field Trip!Oh,P.S.,Have Fun The Next Time You Go To "Maine"!Ha-Ha!


Kristin said...

How fun Madeleine! Love to see that are posting on the blog.

Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

How fun to find your blog (I snitched it off of Kimberly's) Madeline has grown way to much in the last while we been gone. Looks like fun is happening at the Sorenson home.

Aimee said...

I love the Tracy Aviary. It's especially nice when it is not too hot.